Posted by [Name Withheld], 9 November 2020 at 12:07
Alpena Crew of 27 men
Capt. Nelson W “Nels” Napier St. Joseph MI
J. H. Kelly 1st mate
Eldridge "Alvin" VanPatten 2nd mate of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
Robert Johnson 1st engineer of Grand Haven
Robert Patton 2nd engineer of Grand Haven
William "Tom" Shepherd steward
Arthur E. Haynes clerk St. Joseph MI born Manitowoc, Wis
Thomas Lynch porter
Harry Falls fireman
Sigmund Simon crew member 2 weeks of Milwaukee, Wis
Lester Shaw Wheelsman of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
Peter Eggert 2nd porter of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
James Bayne of Grand Rapids
Fred Perry acting cabin boy 18 years old of Chicago (took the job for pleasure and experience)
Colored boy 16 years old asst. cook (body recovered by Capt. Edward Napier) buried Ventura Cemetery. (?)
Alpena Passengers
Margaret McConnell "Maggie Mack" ex-Chamber Maid Alpena Oconto, WI (body recovered) buried Ventura Cemetery (1st body found)
Anna L. "Hattie" (Holbrook) Cole Hastings, MI (body recovered) buried Riverside Cemetery Hastings, MI (watch stopped at 10:30) see note below
Montgomery Crossman Foreman of the Steven's Mfg Company Grand Haven MI (Body Recovered) buried Oakridge Cemetery Marshall, MI (watch stopped at 10:45)
Frederick "Fred" Spaeth Grand Rapids (Body Recovered at 6:00 am Pigeon Creek ) buried Oakhill Cemetery Grand Rapids, MI (4 daughters 1 son survive)
Edgar L. Locke agent Hills Bros Grocers of New York (Body Recovered) buried Green-Wood Cemetery Brooklyn, NY (fine gold watch stopped at 10:40)
Lottie T. (Davis) Hart wife White Pigeon, MI married Thursday boarded Alpena Friday (Body found) buried White Pigeon Township Cemetery
Rev. Farel Hart White Pigeon, MI New job Publishing House of David C. Cook & Co Chicago, ILL
John Osborne Chicago, ILL engineer of Swan, White & Smiths mill
Annie (Dobon) Osborne wife & mother Chicago, ILL
Thomas "Tommy" Osborne age 7 son (body recovered) Chicago, ILL burial location was Chicago
Annie Osborne age 5 daughter Chicago, ILL
John "Johnie" Osborne age 3 1/2 son Chicago, ILL
Edward "Eddie" Osborne age 2 son Chicago, ILL
Frank Pope agent of St. Johns Mich
Mark Boblovsky scrap Iron buyer for M & O Roski of Chicago, ILL of the Jewish faith
Mrs. Sarah M. Bragg Chicago, ILL
Andrew Murdoch Chicago, ILL or Philadelphia, PA
E.A. Angell of Lamount MI
W. S. Benham editor Grand Haven Herald Grand Haven MI
Mrs. Benham wife Grand Haven MI
Lucy (Williams) Curtis Grand Haven MI
Neil Angus McGilvray firm Squires & White of Grand Haven St. Joseph, MI
Capt. Heber N. Squires Jr. Grand Haven MI (Related to Neil Angus McGilvray)
Mrs. Vandercar 3638 South Lasalle st. Chicago, ILL (1st body found misidentified also as Mrs. Bradley)
Mrs. Newton Bradley Santa Fe NM (1st body found was misidentified)
Miss Lou Bradley Santa Fe NM daughter of Mrs. Newton Bradley
Miss Kate (Katie) Bradley Santa Fe NM daughter of Mrs. Newton Bradley
Charlotte (Castle) Bush wife Isaac Bush Rockford, MI
Isaac Bush Rockford, MI
Mrs. Joseph (Murphy) Beemer age 35 years #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer child #1 age 8 years #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer Child #2 #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer Child #3 #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
H. Landreth Hubbard of Chicago or Muskegon
Spath G. Hattinger Grand Rapids
E. Lockwood Mills (Male) Evart, MI going to Topeka, Kan to be married never seen again
C. Kerster (Kusterer ?) Grand Rapids
Mr. Ryder agent glassworks Syracuse, NY
Mr. L. S. Peyton of New York
John B. Patterson of Salem, ILL clerk Internal Revenue department Washington D.C. (old Soldier with one arm)
Mrs. Asenath (Bradley) DeCoudres Evanston, ILL Age 56 years (not on Alpena spouse Jacob Powers DeCoudres died Mar 25, 1886)
Harry L. Sinclair or St. Clarie of Lawndale, ILL old Soldier with one arm
George Green of Blue Island, ILL (Six feet four inches tall)
Edward Herald
Mrs. Herald
Juno Overson of Chicago
Mrs. Overson
Child Overson #1
Child Overson #2
Child Overson #3
John Holmquist mill worker of Sweden
E. Forsman mill worker of Sweden
P.I. Quist Blacksmith of Grand Haven
John E. Strohm of Sweden
Oskar L. Stromguest worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Olof L. Sunguet worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Charles Olson worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Note Newspaper article claims the body of one of the 3 sweds with the Life insurance policy was found
Possible people on Alpena
Son of Charles Merriman of Lowell, MI no name given (body recovered and identified by some local boys who knew him)
A. Blanchard of Huntley, ILL (telegram received that he took passage Fri. on the Alpena)
George Conner or Connell note found attached by nail to piece of moulding from the cabin
R. E. Heth of Grand Rapids, MI
J. D. Carr of Detroit, MI
Andrew Murdock
B. D. Priton of New York (only found in one news article believe it is Mr. L. S. Peyton of New York (many names misspelled of other known passengers)
People not on Alpena listed originally
John J. Bowen ex-steward of Alpena Mr. Bowen was in the office on Monday after the loss of the Alpena
W. C. Pettibone New York took a train on Fri from Grand Haven to Muskegon
Benjamin F. Sweet Braidwood, ILL Trunk found with his items inside He did not make it on ship delayed by a friend in Grand Haven took a train to Chicago
Mrs. J. W. Sweet wife Braidwood, ILL Trunk found with her items inside She did not make it on ship delayed by a friend in Grand Haven took a train to Chicago
Walter W. Wallace or Wallis & wife of Milwaukee, WI arrived by train in Chicago Oct 21, 1880.
Note Hattie L. (Holbrook) Cole was Capt. Nelson W “Nels” Napier personal protector he promised the parents to take care of her,
theory he made sure she could be found if the ship went down by putting on her Life Jacket securely. Her watch, purse, and other personal effects were found in her bosom.
Her face was bruised, shoes partially unbuttoned, and dress not fully tied. Her parents gave Capt. Nelson Napier credit for sending her back to them.
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Alpena Crew of 27 men
Capt. Nelson W “Nels” Napier St. Joseph MI
J. H. Kelly 1st mate
Eldridge "Alvin" VanPatten 2nd mate of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
Robert Johnson 1st engineer of Grand Haven
Robert Patton 2nd engineer of Grand Haven
William "Tom" Shepherd steward
Arthur E. Haynes clerk St. Joseph MI born Manitowoc, Wis
Thomas Lynch porter
Harry Falls fireman
Sigmund Simon crew member 2 weeks of Milwaukee, Wis
Lester Shaw Wheelsman of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
Peter Eggert 2nd porter of Lincoln Township (Stevensville) MI
James Bayne of Grand Rapids
Fred Perry acting cabin boy 18 years old of Chicago (took the job for pleasure and experience)
Colored boy 16 years old asst. cook (body recovered by Capt. Edward Napier) buried Ventura Cemetery. (?)
Alpena Passengers
Margaret McConnell "Maggie Mack" ex-Chamber Maid Alpena Oconto, WI (body recovered) buried Ventura Cemetery (1st body found)
Anna L. "Hattie" (Holbrook) Cole Hastings, MI (body recovered) buried Riverside Cemetery Hastings, MI (watch stopped at 10:30) see note below
Montgomery Crossman Foreman of the Steven's Mfg Company Grand Haven MI (Body Recovered) buried Oakridge Cemetery Marshall, MI (watch stopped at 10:45)
Frederick "Fred" Spaeth Grand Rapids (Body Recovered at 6:00 am Pigeon Creek ) buried Oakhill Cemetery Grand Rapids, MI (4 daughters 1 son survive)
Edgar L. Locke agent Hills Bros Grocers of New York (Body Recovered) buried Green-Wood Cemetery Brooklyn, NY (fine gold watch stopped at 10:40)
Lottie T. (Davis) Hart wife White Pigeon, MI married Thursday boarded Alpena Friday (Body found) buried White Pigeon Township Cemetery
Rev. Farel Hart White Pigeon, MI New job Publishing House of David C. Cook & Co Chicago, ILL
John Osborne Chicago, ILL engineer of Swan, White & Smiths mill
Annie (Dobon) Osborne wife & mother Chicago, ILL
Thomas "Tommy" Osborne age 7 son (body recovered) Chicago, ILL burial location was Chicago
Annie Osborne age 5 daughter Chicago, ILL
John "Johnie" Osborne age 3 1/2 son Chicago, ILL
Edward "Eddie" Osborne age 2 son Chicago, ILL
Frank Pope agent of St. Johns Mich
Mark Boblovsky scrap Iron buyer for M & O Roski of Chicago, ILL of the Jewish faith
Mrs. Sarah M. Bragg Chicago, ILL
Andrew Murdoch Chicago, ILL or Philadelphia, PA
E.A. Angell of Lamount MI
W. S. Benham editor Grand Haven Herald Grand Haven MI
Mrs. Benham wife Grand Haven MI
Lucy (Williams) Curtis Grand Haven MI
Neil Angus McGilvray firm Squires & White of Grand Haven St. Joseph, MI
Capt. Heber N. Squires Jr. Grand Haven MI (Related to Neil Angus McGilvray)
Mrs. Vandercar 3638 South Lasalle st. Chicago, ILL (1st body found misidentified also as Mrs. Bradley)
Mrs. Newton Bradley Santa Fe NM (1st body found was misidentified)
Miss Lou Bradley Santa Fe NM daughter of Mrs. Newton Bradley
Miss Kate (Katie) Bradley Santa Fe NM daughter of Mrs. Newton Bradley
Charlotte (Castle) Bush wife Isaac Bush Rockford, MI
Isaac Bush Rockford, MI
Mrs. Joseph (Murphy) Beemer age 35 years #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer child #1 age 8 years #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer Child #2 #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
Beemer Child #3 #17 Wabash Ave. Chicago, ILL
H. Landreth Hubbard of Chicago or Muskegon
Spath G. Hattinger Grand Rapids
E. Lockwood Mills (Male) Evart, MI going to Topeka, Kan to be married never seen again
C. Kerster (Kusterer ?) Grand Rapids
Mr. Ryder agent glassworks Syracuse, NY
Mr. L. S. Peyton of New York
John B. Patterson of Salem, ILL clerk Internal Revenue department Washington D.C. (old Soldier with one arm)
Mrs. Asenath (Bradley) DeCoudres Evanston, ILL Age 56 years (not on Alpena spouse Jacob Powers DeCoudres died Mar 25, 1886)
Harry L. Sinclair or St. Clarie of Lawndale, ILL old Soldier with one arm
George Green of Blue Island, ILL (Six feet four inches tall)
Edward Herald
Mrs. Herald
Juno Overson of Chicago
Mrs. Overson
Child Overson #1
Child Overson #2
Child Overson #3
John Holmquist mill worker of Sweden
E. Forsman mill worker of Sweden
P.I. Quist Blacksmith of Grand Haven
John E. Strohm of Sweden
Oskar L. Stromguest worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Olof L. Sunguet worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Charles Olson worked at Walworth & Reed Muskegon (purchased $4000.00 Life insurance policy from Mr. Jarvis Oct. 11, 1880)
Note Newspaper article claims the body of one of the 3 sweds with the Life insurance policy was found
Possible people on Alpena
Son of Charles Merriman of Lowell, MI no name given (body recovered and identified by some local boys who knew him)
A. Blanchard of Huntley, ILL (telegram received that he took passage Fri. on the Alpena)
George Conner or Connell note found attached by nail to piece of moulding from the cabin
R. E. Heth of Grand Rapids, MI
J. D. Carr of Detroit, MI
Andrew Murdock
B. D. Priton of New York (only found in one news article believe it is Mr. L. S. Peyton of New York (many names misspelled of other known passengers)
People not on Alpena listed originally
John J. Bowen ex-steward of Alpena Mr. Bowen was in the office on Monday after the loss of the Alpena
W. C. Pettibone New York took a train on Fri from Grand Haven to Muskegon
Benjamin F. Sweet Braidwood, ILL Trunk found with his items inside He did not make it on ship delayed by a friend in Grand Haven took a train to Chicago
Mrs. J. W. Sweet wife Braidwood, ILL Trunk found with her items inside She did not make it on ship delayed by a friend in Grand Haven took a train to Chicago
Walter W. Wallace or Wallis & wife of Milwaukee, WI arrived by train in Chicago Oct 21, 1880.
Note Hattie L. (Holbrook) Cole was Capt. Nelson W “Nels” Napier personal protector he promised the parents to take care of her,
theory he made sure she could be found if the ship went down by putting on her Life Jacket securely. Her watch, purse, and other personal effects were found in her bosom.
Her face was bruised, shoes partially unbuttoned, and dress not fully tied. Her parents gave Capt. Nelson Napier credit for sending her back to them.
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