1874 Used as bulk freighter.
1881, Nov 18 Stranded on bar south of harbor pier, Sheboygan, WI; 700 tons of coal.
1882, Sep Wrecking tug LEVIATHAN succeded in raising THAYER, towed her to Wolf and Davidson's yard, Milwaukee for rebuilding.
1883 Rebuilt; renamed MIKE CORRY, schooner barge.
1885 Owned Marinette B. Line, port of hail Racine, WI.
1893 Owned O. P. Johnson, Racine.
1899 Owned J. E. Sheehan, Buffalo, NY.
1902 Owned Chas. W. Kotcher, Detroit, MI; large repairs; rated for 11.5' deck load lumber.
1910 Owned Hugh R. Harvey, Detroit; large repairs.
1916 Stranded, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron.