1921 Reconstructed by Pittsburg Steam Ship Co., Conneaut, OH.
1928 2 Babcock & Wilcox watertube boilers; 11'4 1/2" x 10'; 250#.
1945 Owned Buckeye Steamship Co., Cleveland, OH.
1953, Apr New sidetanks & tank tops.
1963 Laid up; later sold to Merritt & Chapman & Scott Co., Cleveland; used as breakwater.
1963, Oct 17 Owned Roen Steamship Co., Sturgeon Bay, WI.
1963-66 Raised & resunk several times.
1965, Nov 22 Owned Hudson Waterways Corp., New York City, NY; later traded to U.S. Maritime Commission, Washington, D.C.
1967 Owned Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.
1967, Apr Towed to Burns Harbor, IN; sank.