Posted by C. Mark Henricks, 21 September 2021 at 15:06
From the Muskegon Morning News June 6, 1901:
The schooner Rand of Milwaukee's pilot house was picked up here (Grand Haven) as it was caught in a fishing net. Nearly two hundred thousand feet of lumber has been picked up by local tugs and fishing boats within the last two or three days. In some places the boards were piled up so thick as to admit walking on the piles.
Posted by Camy Matthay, 10 November 2021 at 13:24
Additional information on ownership:
Door County Advocate - July 2, 1885 p 2 c 3
Horn’s Pier - Up to Saturday none cargoes of wood and cedar had been shipped to Chicago from this point and there is still a large amount of stuff on the banking grounds. The schooners H. Rand, Racine and Sardenia have been employed in doing the freighting and notwithstanding the business stagnation fair prices have been realized on every cargo. The Rand, which is Mr. Horn’s property, took a cargo of brick yard wood on Saturday.
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From the Muskegon Morning News June 6, 1901:
The schooner Rand of Milwaukee's pilot house was picked up here (Grand Haven) as it was caught in a fishing net. Nearly two hundred thousand feet of lumber has been picked up by local tugs and fishing boats within the last two or three days. In some places the boards were piled up so thick as to admit walking on the piles.
Additional information on ownership:
Door County Advocate - July 2, 1885 p 2 c 3
Horn’s Pier - Up to Saturday none cargoes of wood and cedar had been shipped to Chicago from this point and there is still a large amount of stuff on the banking grounds. The schooners H. Rand, Racine and Sardenia have been employed in doing the freighting and notwithstanding the business stagnation fair prices have been realized on every cargo. The Rand, which is Mr. Horn’s property, took a cargo of brick yard wood on Saturday.
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