1885, Apr 25 Enrolled Cleveland, OH; built on speculation as harbor tug.
1886 Owned H.D. Cotrinberry & Robert Wallace, Cleveland.
1887 Owned Inman Tug Line, Duluth, MN; noted as excellent ice breaker; served Duluth Harbor as ice breaker for years.
1890 Won 10 mile race against tugs A.C. ADAMS & NELSON BOUTIN.
1895 Collided with tug JOE DUDLEY in Duluth harbor.
1898, Jun 3 Sunk by steamer ROBERT FULTON in Duluth Harbor; 3 lives lost; raised & repaired.
1899, Oct 8 Sunk by whaleback JAMES B. NEILSON; 1 life lost; raised & repaired.
1902 Struck at dock & sunk by steamer BRADFORD, Superior, WI; 1 life lost; raised & repaired.
1903 Reboilered; one 7'10" x 13'6" @ 150# steam, firebox boiler by M. Ryan Co., Duluth, MN.
1927 Owned Couture Brothers, Ontanogan, MI; fish tug.
1930 Owned Russel Couture, Ontanogan.
1936 Owned Frank Becker, Detroit.
1943 Owned H.W.A. Harms Towing Co., Huston, TX; converted to barge; readmeasured 59.72 gross/ 59.72 net tons.
1944 Same owner; rebuilt as diesel screw tug, 8 cylinder, 500hp Superior diesel engine; readmeasured 70.76 gross/ 33.21 net tons.
1947 Renamed ARTHUR B. HARMS.
1953 Owned Alamo Water Transportation Co., Huston.
1960 Renamed CATHY ANN.
1960 Same owner; rebuiilt; readmeasured 73.52 gross/ 50 net tons.
1975 Documents surrendered, Huston, "Vessel scrapped".