1813, Apr 15 Launched.
1813, Oct+ Transported British prisoners to Camp Portage, Lake ERie; returned with army provisions.
1814, Sunmmer To norhtern Lake Huron to stop British access to Michilimackinac & the North West trade.
1814, Sep 3 Captured by British near Datour, Lake Huron; renamed H.M.S. CONFIANCE.
1815, Sep 3 Used for survey, Lake Erie.
1815, Summer Transported supplies to Drummond Island British Post, Lake Huron.
1816, Sep 11 Grounded on reef off Drummond Island.
1817, Spring To Grand River, lake Erie; used by survey team of David Thompson, International Boundry Commission; surveyed Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair & parts of lake Huron; established International Boundry line still used.
1819 Repaired.
1827 Repaired.
1830, Jun Repaorted as rotted & sunk, Grand River.
1831, Mar To be broken up.