1867, February 2 Launched & registered at Fredrickton, New Brunswick,
built to run Saint John River, between Saint John &
1877, July 2 Registered Prescott, Ontario to run Saint Lawrence River
in Thousand Island area
1878 Transferred to Toronto, to run Toronto to Niagara River
1880, September Fire on boiler deck, extinguished with little damage
1881 Owned Ambroise E. Lalande, Montreal, Quebec
1883 Owned Allan R. Oughtred, Montreal
1883, June 27 Stranded near Thousand Island Park; released
1884 Owned James G. Ross, Quebec City, Quebec
1886 Large repairs, Ogdensburg, New York
1889, September 12 In collision with tug MYRA, beached near Prescott &
1901 Dynamited to remove hazard to navigation