1863, May 23 Enrolled Cleveland; to run Dunkirk, Buffalo & Toledo, Ohio
1865 Enrolled Dunkirk, New York & Toledo, Ohio; 932 gross tons
1868, October 17 Enrolled Buffalo, New York; owned Erie Railway
Company; readmeasured 198.8 x 29.5 x 12.1', 2 decks,
932.51 gross tons; ran Buffalo & Detroit; received
new compound engine
1869, May 7 Enrolled Buffalo, owned Union Steamboat Company for
Buffalo-Chicago route
1870, June 5 Collided with steamer EMPIRE STATE approximately 17 miles
north of Port Gratiot Light, Lake Huron; cargo railroad
iron, car wheels & general merchandise; 1 crewman lost,
remaining rescued by steamer JAY GOULD
1875, June 30 Documents surrendered, Buffalo; "vessel wrecked - total
1889 Wrecking steamer MARY GOHL raised 1 boiler & part of cargo