1865 Readmeasured 96 gross tons.
1866-68 Enrolled Erie, PA.
1867 Converted to scow sloop.
1871, Apr For sale by Erie Lime & Cement Co.
1871 Repaired.
1871 Sep Owned A.W. Hubbard, Erie, PA or Cleveland, OH.
1872, Jul 8 Owned A.W. Hubbard & J.S. Bartlett. Converted to schooner.
1873 Owned Geroge W. Buzzard, Pt. Huron, MI.
1875 Owned Victor Bormah, Victor Bormah Jr., & George Bormah, Presque Isle, MI.
1876 Owned John Caughhill, Presque Isle, MI.
1877 Owned D. Robinson, Pt. Huron.
1880 Rebuilt Pt. Huron, 98'9" x 23'6" x 7'5"; 111 gross tons, owned Morrau.
1885 Owned D.N. Runnels, Pt. Huron.
1888 Owned Timothy Caster, Pt. Huron
1889, Jul 17 Owned John Muellerweiss Jr., Alpena, MI.
1892, Mar 16 Owned John Muellerweiss Jr. & Adam Kunna, Alpena.
1893 Owned Adam Kunna, Alpena.
1899 Owned August W. Ziew, Alpena.
1901 Owned John Campbell, James Willis, George Cameron, Pt. Huron.
1903 Reid Wrecking Co., Sarnia, ONT.
1903, Mar 7 Documents surrendered Pt. Huron "sold foreign".
1906 Out of registry.