1859, May 18 Launched; sister of MILWAUKEE (1868), cost $250,000; patterned after Royal steam packets; designed for year round service.
1859, Aug 22 Owned Julius Morris, Buffalo, NY; ran Milwaukee, WI - Grand Haven, MI.
1859, Aug 27 Owned Lake Michigan Transit Co., Milwaukee, Norman Emmons, secretary.
1860 Upper works completed; 1,113 tons old style or 880.58 gross tons.
1861, Jul Laid up for repairs, Grand Haven, MI.
1862, Jun Broke machinery Long Point, Lake Erie.
1862, Sep Sprang leak near Malden, Detroit River.
1862, Nov Sank, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron.
1863, Sep 10 Aground Sand Point, Saginaw Bay.
1864, Jun 23 Owned Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad Co., Detroit, William Stephens, secretary.
1865, Sep 7 Readmeasured 880.58 tons, 240 x 58 x 12.5'.
1866, Oct 4 Change to Grand Haven District.
1868, Oct Wrecked outside Grand Haven, MI.
1870, Apr 26 Owned James M. Ballentine, Detroit; rebuilt as schooner barge; 1 deck, 2 masts, 240 x 34.8 x 12.5', 723.48 gross tons.
1871, May 5 Rebuilt as propeller or screw steamer; high pressure engine from propeller HUNTER; 11'6" wheel, 699.3 gross tons.
1872, May Ashore Peach Island.
1872, Sep 29 Wrecked Lake Huron.