1857, May 12 Enrolled Buffalo, NY; duplicate of ECLIPSE, EQUATOR & SUN; ran Sandusky Line.
1860 On Buffalo, Cleveland, Sandusky & Toledo Line.
1863 Lake Erie & Green Bay Line.
1864 Buffalo & Toledo Line; then Chicago, Milwaukee & Buffalo.
1866 Owned Buffalo & Toledo Transportation Co., Buffalo, NY; two round trips Buffalo, NY - Marquette, MI & Portage Lake.
1866, Aug Aground Mud Lake.
1866, Sep Damaged in collision with schooner DARIEN at Cleveland.
1867, May Owned Union Steamboat Co.; ran Buffalo, NY - Chicago, IL; often paired with schooner GUIDING STAR.
1869, May 7 Owned Stephen D. Caldwell, Buffalo; Union Steamboat Co.; 870.51 gross tons.
1869, May 18 Collision with propeller TONAWANDA off Point au Pelee.
1870 Ran Toledo, OH - Saginaw, MI.
1870, Oct 28 Bound down from Saginaw, sank in collision with bark LAFRINIER in St. Clair River; cargo 3,500 pounds salt, 1,500,000 shingles.
1870, Oct 31 Raised, dry dock Detroit.
1871 870 gross tons.
1872, Apr 19 Owned Dwight D. Scott, Cleveland, OH; 875.51 tons.
1872 9 round trips to Lake Superior.
1872, Oct 10 Grounded South Manitou; pulled off by CITY OF FREMONT.
1873 Rebuilt 184 x 30.8 x 10.7.
1875 Chartered for season by Grand Truck Railway; ran Chicago, IL - Sarnia, ONT.
1875, Sep 10 Foundered & sank, Lake Michigan.