1883, Sep Towed by tug ACTIVE; delivered railway iron to Lake Superior.
1886 Towed by GLENGARRY, Duluth & Montreal grain trade with JOHN GASKIN.
1887, Nov 17 Bound Port Dalhousie - Kingston in tow of steamer GLENGARRY, lost tow & sank 2.5 miles west of Amherst Island, Lake Ontario; recovered.
1891 Wheat cargo damaged.
1892, Apr 29 Bound Kingston - Port Arthur, lost tow of GLENGARRY on Lake Superior off Peninsular harbor.
1892, May 3 Found hard aground, Lake George flats.
1892, May 7 Lost tow off Isle Royal; trapped in ice off Duluth, MN.
1892, May 13 Towed by steamer GRATWICK to Fort William.
1892, Jun 2 Collision with schooner MAGNET off Mamajuda Island, Detroit River.
1896 Rebuilt as schooner-barge, renamed HECTOR; 170' x 36' x 12'; 576 gross / 539 net tons.
1898, Oct 26 Foundered, Lake Ontario.