Posted by Theodore Sherwood, 25 April 2018 at 21:45
The JT Wing was partially sunk on the east bank of the Belle River in Marine City, MI where I was raised and my father, Alvin Sherwood was a US Customs Officer. In winter we could skate over the deck of the ship. Later it was salvaged, re floated and used as a scout training ship. I have a hammock from that ship. The JT Wing was set up as a maritime museum on Belle Isle in the Detroit River. Later it was burned when it could not be maintained.
I had a postcard showing the JT Wing under full sail under the Blue Water Bridge on the St Clair River. I took it to the Great Lakes Maritime Museum in Alpena, MI and let them copy it. Theodore Sherwood
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The JT Wing was partially sunk on the east bank of the Belle River in Marine City, MI where I was raised and my father, Alvin Sherwood was a US Customs Officer. In winter we could skate over the deck of the ship. Later it was salvaged, re floated and used as a scout training ship. I have a hammock from that ship. The JT Wing was set up as a maritime museum on Belle Isle in the Detroit River. Later it was burned when it could not be maintained.
I had a postcard showing the JT Wing under full sail under the Blue Water Bridge on the St Clair River. I took it to the Great Lakes Maritime Museum in Alpena, MI and let them copy it. Theodore Sherwood
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