Sailing image is a black & white photo of a colored pencil drawing done late 19th century by Joe Norris in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
The E. J. McVea was named for the wife (Elizabeth
Jane Warnock McVea) of one of the owners-sea captain Charles McVea.
The unrigged photo was taken in the Sombra River
where the vessel had been used for storage in its latter years.
The vessel was dynamited in 1940 to make room for a new ferry landing on the river.
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Sailing image is a black & white photo of a colored pencil drawing done late 19th century by Joe Norris in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
The E. J. McVea was named for the wife (Elizabeth
Jane Warnock McVea) of one of the owners-sea captain Charles McVea.
The unrigged photo was taken in the Sombra River
where the vessel had been used for storage in its latter years.
The vessel was dynamited in 1940 to make room for a new ferry landing on the river.
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Your email address will be stored so that we may contact you again about your comment, but will not be displayed to the public, or otherwise shared, without your permission.
Comments will not be posted until they have been reviewed.
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