Length overall 156'; beam over the guards 53'.
Largest steamer on the Lakes; "Queen of the Lakes".
1833, Apr 27 Launched; ran Buffalo, NY & Green Bay, WI.
1833, Sep 30 Enrolled Detroit, MI.
1834 13 day, 2,000 mile excursion tour to Mackinack, MI, Green Bay, WI & other Lake Michigan ports.
1835, Sep Stranded & released, Detroit River.
1835, Oct 19 Collision with schooner INDEPENDENCE, Black River.
1840, Jun 12 Carried 1,270 passengers in 1 trip to convention at Perrysburg.
1840, Oct 3 Stranded near Buffalo, NY.
1841 Abandoned; dismantled.
1842 In ordinary all summer.
Before 1847 in a list of steamboats "broken up"
1853 - 54 engines to R.R. ELLIOTT.