1896 Owned Bessemer Steamship Co
1901 Owned Pittsburgh Steamship Co (U.S. Steel)
1936 Owned Marine Iron & Shipbuilding Co (Geistman)
1937 Owned Pigeon River Lumber Co; renamed MERLE H.
1938 Owned Lakehead Transportation Co Ltd; C 158268
1942 Owned Great Lakes Lumber & Shipping Co
1949 Owned Quebec & Ontario Transportation Co Ltd; renamed PIC RIVER
1953 Converted to bulk freighter at Port Weller Drydock Ltd; installation of 6 cylinder oil engine, 22"x 35", 1650 hp, built by Burmeister & Wain Ltd in 1931
1978 Renamed PIC R, as scrap
1984 Scrapped in Hamilton, ONT