From a close study of the outboard profile and deck plans I believe that this is the Edgar B. Speer. I happen to have a drawing of the Edwin H. Gott and when comparing the deck plans in particular, there are some subtle differences in the direction of the door openings, but the most distinctive part of the Edgar B. Speer are the port and starboard exhaust fan enclosures directly behind the stack uptakes (seen on "Deck "B" plan), which the Edwin H. Gott does not have.
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From a close study of the outboard profile and deck plans I believe that this is the Edgar B. Speer. I happen to have a drawing of the Edwin H. Gott and when comparing the deck plans in particular, there are some subtle differences in the direction of the door openings, but the most distinctive part of the Edgar B. Speer are the port and starboard exhaust fan enclosures directly behind the stack uptakes (seen on "Deck "B" plan), which the Edwin H. Gott does not have.
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