Finding Aid: C. Patrick Labadie TBRC-3 Canals Finding Aid: C. Patrick Labadie Collection [TBRC-3: CANALS] Contents: TBRC-3: CANALS Box 1: A - P Folders 1. Beauharnois Canal 2. Burlington Bay Canal 3. Cal-Sag Channel 4. Canada: "Summary of Canal Statistics, 1848-1936" 5. Canal Boats 6. Cornwall Canal 7. Deep Waterways Delegations 8. Desjardin's Canal 9. Erie Canal 10. Georgian Bay 11. Grand Rapids Canal 12. Grand River Navigation Company 13. Great Lakes & Seaway (in general) 14. "Great Lakes and the Great Rivers: Jonathan Carver's Dream of Empire" 15. Hay Lake Channel 16. Hennepin Canal 17. Illinois & Michigan Canal 18. Junction Canals 19. Kalamazoo Canal 20. Lachine Canal 21. "Lake Commerce & Canals, 1816-1824: Nationalism or Sectionalism?" 22. Lake George 23. Lake Michigan to Lake Superior 24. Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie 25. "Lake Transportation Proceedings of the Deep Waterways Convention held at Detroit. Mich., December 17 and 18, 1891" 26. Lime Kilns Crossing 27. Livingstone Channel 28. Long Point Cut 29. Mississippi Canal 30. Miami Canal 31. Murray Canal 32. "Navigation of the Lakes and Navigable Communications Therefrom to the Seaboard, and to the Mississippi River and Relation of the Former to the lines of Railway Leading to the Pacific," 1866 33. Niagara Ship Canal 34. Oswego Canal 35. Portage Lake Canal, Keweenaw Waterway