Finding Aid: C. Patrick Labadie TBRC-4 Owners Finding Aid: C. Patrick Labadie Collection [TBRC-4: OWNERS] 13. Lehigh Valley Transportation Company 14. Leopold & Austrian Lake Superior People's Line 15. Mathews, J. & J. T. 16. McKnight's Lake Superior Line (Whiting, J.T. - Independent Lake Superior Line) 17. Merchants'…Line 18. Merrick, Fowler, & Esselsytne Box 6: MI - Northern Steamship Folders 1. Michigan Central Railroad Line 2. Michigan Southern Railroad Line 3. Mills Transportation Co. 4. Minch, Philip 5. Minnesota Iron Company 6. Mitchell Steamship Company 7. Montreal Transportation Co. 8. Neff Fleets 9. Newberry, Oliver 10. New England Transportation Company 11. New York Central Railroad Line 12. New York & Erie Railroad (Propeller Line) 13. Northern Michigan Transportation Company 14. Northern Navigation Company 15. Northern Steamship Co., Advertisements, Photographs, Studies, Vessel Listings 16. Northern Steamship Co., Newspaper Clipping Box 7: Northern Transportation Company Folders 1. Correspondences, William Palmer, Rose Palmer 2. Newspaper Clippings, 1840s - 1860s 3. Newspaper Clippings, 1870s - 1890s 4. Newspaper Clippings, 1835 - 1898 5. Newspaper Clippings, etc. from Steve Harold 6. Photographs, Advertisements 7. Studies 8. Vessel Listings Box 8: Northern Transportation Company Volumes 1. "Chamberlin's White Pipe Fleet, A History of the Northern Transportation Company and Northern Transit Company, 1849 - 1881" by William P. Palmer Box 9: Northern Transportation Company Volumes 1. Chamberlin's Boats, A History of the Northern Transportation Company and Northern Transit Company, 1849 - 1881" by William P. Palmer Box 10: Northwest - P Folders 1. Northwest Fur Co. 2. Northwest Transportation Company, Histories