The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.4, 16 December 1960, p. 1

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~ erry ~braistm.a~ '~Tti~ TIMU~l2-Cl2UIS~l2 Published By The Journalism Class of Alpena Community College _,,,.,.,._ Founded in 1952 Volume Three, No. Four December 16, 1960 TEN CENTS A COPY Christmas Convocation Is Dec. 21 DEAN'S COLOM N Mat.thew 10: Verses 29 and 31: "Are not ,two SDaITOWs sold for a farthing? And one of them shal,l not fall on the ground wLthout your fa.their . . . . Fear ye nort, ,therefore, Ye are of more value than mclll1y sparrows." During the Christmas season it is well far all of us to reassess and see now close we aTe to de- se,rvin g t h e g,reait gi£t to mankind of Christ's birth, 11:ife and ,sacri- fice. The Bible quotation •givell aibove summar- izes, it seems to me, the main 9oint of the Christian reli- gion and the main point of Christ's ltfe 1a.11d sacrifice. The indiv1dual is im:9ortant. Regard- less of dogma or cireed, there is :v•. common agreement that Christ "went aboUJt doing good". Isn't it the essenoe of al:l applicatirn of spiritu,al life to living that we must go ,about doing good to O>thers as individuals? Isn't it true that, ii we apply 1:Jhe spiri- tual ur>lift of ChT'iistma,g to every- da,y life, living would be a lot more fun for alil of us. It would seem that is a (See DEAN, Page 6) Christmas Tea To Be Held In College Lounge Christmas is ocound the cor- ner and everyone ,wiill ,be hurry- ing to do ,tlhetiJr last mimlu.ite Christmas sho'I)ipin,g. Church bells aire ringing Christmas Oar- ols, Christmas decoiratiions are sparkling and eveiryone is thi.Jnk- ing of the long vacatioo. The colilege has a special affair given amnualuy at Christmas ,time, the Chrrsit~ Teia. The Chn]stmais Tea ts a['fanged by the Social CammiitJtee wlhlch coosists of Pait May, general chadirman; Tom Krebs, Joan Lutes, Beverly Des Champs, Martiette Himes, and Roger Ba,uer. The G;h:rfiistmas tea wihl be \held i'n 1the C'OUege lounge on December 18 from· 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. '.Dhe socia>l co,m:mittee is 'br()- ken dolWil ~to ,three sub-coin· mi.ttees. The Inviitaition Commit• (See TEA, Page 6) '. .,,, ,,. COLLEGE DEBATE TEAM WINS TOP HONORS AT TOURNAMENT Debate coach DeLysle Heniry, Professor of Hi:sto:riy !here at A. C. C., can be proud of his col- lege debate team as th·ey won top honors at the Junior College Debate League Tournament at Sprin•g AI"bor, Michigan, Decem· ber 3. At the end of the debate; the de-haters, Ned Bastow, Doug Allyn, Jack McLa,r,ty, Keit'h W•allace, Charles Anderson, and Dennis Snlfder had coIP.1piled a re,cord of 5 wins and 2 losses. This imryre-ssive showin•g qual- ified A:C.C.'s debate team for graduate Division Tournament at Navy Pier, in Chic!!!go, De- cember 10, but due to ciircum- stJalllCes beyond their control, the,y were unable to make the trip. Mr. Hernry's debate team openr ed their 1960 deb-a1:Lng season at Central Michigan Univ•e'l'si-ty, with a ·practice debate with C. M.U. and Ferris. Mr. Henry was impressed at the showing of tlhe team a,gainst both these four- year institutions. They also have h!!!d another practice d'eibate with Noctih Central Michigan the University of Illinois Under- College of Petoskey. Staff Encounters New Experience at News The staff members of the Tim- ber Cruiser sp·ent an exciting day on depiartmenta:l assignments at the AJ,pena News on Decem- ber 2. The 14 staff members stepped into roles p,aral:leling thei-r own Timber Cruise1· tasks. Each member had a full -day of experience in many departments. S'ome aicl..ed the editors of the sports, society and.·_general news . partment. Although they noted a change in -tempo rn goirng tfrom monthly publication to daily they seemed to enjoy the e;xdtemen,t and the challenges o,f a daily news paper. The Timber Cruiser editor, Robert Oliver, and 'his stafif would like to thank Mr. Emmet Richards, Mr. Phil Richards, and the members of the Alip,ena News w;ho .so willingly gave their time tq welcome and demo·rustrate to The story of lhrist and the Concrete City 'I1he .annual Colle-ge Christmas Convocation will be held under the directicn, of Willard Fast on December 21, and Mrs. Giennie's German and French classes will sing Christmas carols in their respective languages. Carol Werth will also sing a solo? In addition ,to tlhe Christmas cairols, the Radio Drama Clu,b will ,present a pray enttned Christ arid the Concrete City. The cast Olf seven includes Shar- tion are events of personal si-g- nifiicance speaking intimately to the individual in 1lhe secret plac- es od' his own soul, and u,rging him ,to action here and now. To try, as the autho1r ha•s done, to set forth dramatiically the meaning of the Passion Ln wocds and images which aire under- standable ,by ,people in an indius· trial a,ge, is almost an impossi- · ble task. VACATION BOUND . departments . and still ntJl:iers wrote advertisements and olbser· ved the operations in' that de· (See STAFF'., Page 2( James Wil~ianis, Dave Smilgeski Linda Plll"rilla and Tom Miller

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