The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.4, 16 December 1960, p. 2

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December, 1960 THE TIMBER CRUISER Official Newspaper of 11>,e Journalism Class of Alpena Community College Published Mo:nthly-!;ieptember through June at 666 Johnson Street Alpena, Michigan Editor ... .. ...... . ... . .... . ....... . .. . .. .. .. .. Robert E. Oliver News Editors ....... . .............. Roger Bauer, Woody Derrohn Feature Editors .. . .......... . ...... Ingrid Alstrom, Marian Prieur Society Editors I Gail Amore, Janice Wieschowski Spo.::-ts Editors Tom Miller, Doug Siegert, Edward Nagy Copy Editor ........ . ................... · .... Donna Prokopowicz Photographer . . ..... . ............. .. . : . . ..... . ... . Edward Nagy Cartoonist ................. . .............. . ..... . .. Carol Wert)J Advertising ......................... . ...... . . Richard Campbell Circulation Manager .. . ................... . ...... William Davis Faculty Moderator-M. D. Orr A Letter To San,ta Since Christmas is the1 time ,of year when everyone gives each other gilfts, the memberts, of the TIMBER CRUIS- ER Staff have decided it would be nice if someone would be so kind as to send a few ,gifts in our direction this Christmas. We know that it would ibe asking too much if we were to ask anyone at A. c, C. to g,ive us a gift, so we are asking Santa to bring us a few thi111gs. Dear Santa: The staff of the TIMBER CRUISE'R wou1d be happy if you would leave us a few presents this Christmas. The fol- lowing is a list of thing,s we want: 1. More people to buy our glorious TIMBE}R CRUISER. 2. More sound criticisms about the TIMBER CRUISER. 3 . . Articles broU1g'ht in well in advance of publication so as to eliminate the last-mmute rush. 4. More articles of interest to stqdents. 5. More opinions about the TIMBER CRUISER. 6. More student cooperation with the TIMBER CRUISER. 7. An edition to come ofi the press without any errors after being Pro.of-natl about six times. 8.. Last, but certainly not the least, good grades from our Moderator, Mr. Orr. If it would be at all pos!sible for you to leave these little · ' ar Santa, we would b~ very grateful to you. And before you leave us on Christmas Eve, don't forget your c.opy of the .TIMBER CRU_[SER under the Christmass Tree. Consideration For All This article, pertains to you, who have no idea or just a vague idea of how you should conduct yourself at a serio'l,ls dramatic production or musical program. It is considered bad taste and out of Wne to enter a dra- matic production or musical numlber in the middle of the presentation or to leave while it is in prograss. If you must leave, wait until the act, in the oase of a play, or if ilt is a musical, until the number is througih. Talking ~SJ another one of the inacce'PtaJbles ; you go to a play to listen, and if you don't, you should not be there in the first place. Take into consideration your neighbor; he is there to listen, if you are not. The rattling of jaws and the chomping of pop corn are othe:r irritati.n)g habits of those who are infants in thinking as well as in' age. Such conduct is unexcuisable during: dra- matic or musical productions. Of course, we .. should not criticize children when their · parents do not know correct conduct themselives. {!h.,7.,i1-tma1i. Cf ime- 01- ga5-hion Clime N othi.n,g pUJts you more whll· ingly iDJto the Christmais Spirit than the bea/1.lltifU!l Chri\S'tmas colors of red, green, and white. 'l1hi1S year's most dazzling lllf'ray o<f fashions consists Oif .icy whites flurried ~Lth touches of green; bright red velvets with acces· sories ito maitch. Blazing whites ~e a hlg fashion color smash. to match the lovely garment. The hamlo for young fadies is ailJ. softness and swirl. Wiith a bit of ,glitter you can become part of the holidaly d·ecor. Many J)Ult ,a crown of itiinsel and holly in their lovely hairdo, or a show· er Oif stardust puts that extra . Spall"kle in YO'Ull" eye. And a fashionalbLe, Mercy Christmas to you from your :flasihd.on editor-. Janice Wie,schowski . A l-Ioliday Formula For Christmas G ,plus J p1us K equals 'I'CS is the formula thart each of us should kee!P in mdnd during tlJ:J.e coming holidays. "G" stands for giving, which is viltal dmmg •thits season. Eac'h of us wishes to receive only the saitiisfaiction one has ,after giving to others. Giving should be greaiter ,than receiving. "J" means joyifu'lness. This is 1Jhe time of year to be mercy and joyful; a time to ,purt aside gloom and worry, Families and ifdends get togeit! to celerbra.te and rejoice the b'N"th of our Savior. Be friendil~ ,to everyone - to your friends as we'lil as to your enemies. "K" stands for the knowledge of 1:Jhe fdrrst Christmas wihich took place about two ithoU!Sand years ago. The religious services become most beautiful at this time of yea!r. Nativity scenes, b:rd,ghtly decorated, aITTd beawti- ful carols ringing ·througih the crisp, winter air give evecyone a Yu~etide spirit. "TCS" means ,the true Christ- mas s-pirit which each of rms wilJl have if we, give, M'e joyful, and understand the true meaning of the Mass of Christ. STAFF -Elgene Woloszyk I (Continued from Page 1) the sfaff how their particular de· Pattments are links ,in dey_elop- ing the Alpena Daily News. The meimbers of the Timber Cruiser Staff are Ingrid Al· strom, Gail Amore, Roger Bauer, Dick Oampbell, Bi11 Da· vis, Woody Derrohn, Tom Miller, 'Ed Na•gy, Robert Oliver, Donna Prokopowicz, and Janice Wies· chowski. - Marian Prieur Drama Club Plans Program, I With Macy PhiHips, Pat Ma'.Y and Chuck Anderson as oifificers, the Ra<liio · Drama Club has planned many activities ' for the academic year. The fi.rst will be a one act play gitVen at the Christmas convoca- tion held on December 21st. The club will also present a three act p1ay in the spring, The name of ·the ,piay ha,sn't yet been decided upon, but will be chosen shortly. The Drama Club has sponsor- ed two College dances: the Beat- nik Blast and the Sock Hop, and wiJJ.l use the proceeds in purcha,s- ing a make-1.14) kiit, and, ,they hope to puil"Chase new scenery for this year's play. Anyone stil!l inteTested in join- ing the Railio · Drama Club will be welcomed. The ,time of the meetings will be posted on the hu.illetin boar:d. The holidaiy <lxess trend this year is a · length jacket wiitih a ,big skint beHing out from the waist, princess style. The skirt is knee length with shoes Joe's Gulf T. B. A. Service Siaid a Co-ed on. her way to a political 1rall.l,y: "I'm going with , an. open • mind, a complete Lack of ,prejudice and a cool, rational approach to listen to what I'm convinced is pure rubbish." A Complete Line of Winter Products *Complete Lube with every oil ch,ange, . . . . . . . . .98 Norzone Perm. Anti Freeze . . . . . . . . . . . ga\ $ 1.99 Mud & Snow Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95 Plus Tax and Trade In Open: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays 2229 State 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays Phone EL 4-8952 Joe Homant, Manager The Gift Without the Giver's Love Is Barren Duxing the Christmas season a•nd oopeciially on Christmas Dal.Y, it is customM"y to give gi.1its. If you ,are like a number of people with limited funds OT do not have power to make decisions, Christmas shopping can be a real! headache. There is one gift, however, you can give to everyone with onlry a Little effort on yoUJr part. During ,the C!hrristnw.s season, you should develoo your arbi!Lty to get along with oiiher people and maintad,n this abi!lity the otheT 364 days of •the year. Make a s,pecial effort to cultivate the good will that surrounds you. This is a good ,time to show more i.nrterest in others than you!rseif. A gift such ais this will be like that given ,to the world in Beth- lehem ceruluries ago and you Will find it is betteT ,to give than to receive . -Vii.rginia Blum Page 2 Newman Club In Full Swing 'Dhe Newman Club is well on ilts w:ay with future acti'Vities pl:ainned and present day busi· !Il€'SS taken care Oif. The newly elected treasurer is Borb Helin- s,ki who was elected unanimous· Jy. This year the Newman Club thas added a sociia'I. hour to irts p!I"ogrnm, rtakes, ,p1ace af- ter each meeitJin,g. In this hour the membern dlaI11.Ce, cihat, drink pop, and Hstern to ,the laitesrt hits. In charge Oif tfue •social hour are Mard.ette, Tom Leclair, and Jack Jacques. Anyone inrt'erested in attend- ilng the meeitin1g, whrerthe!l" Catho· lie or not, may <do so. Anyone Who has any questions that he or she would like an,swerred may attend and efforts will be made to a,nswer ,them. The date of the next meemn,g wtill be announced on the bulletin board. EHeen Chrzan. On·~, it's the easy way to save for Christmas gifting. Two, it's 'the sure way to have the cash you need. Three, it makes gift shopping more fun! Join our '61 Christmns Club now. Owr .gi:ft for j oi.ning our 1961 Christmas Club is a "Bea,urt.iful Streamlined Balll Point Pen". CHOOSE ONE OF THESE CLUB CLASSES l)eposit Receive In Weekly 50 Weeks $ .25, !'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12.50 .50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 5.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 10.~0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 Alpena Savings Bank MEMBER FEIDEiRAL DEPOSiIT _ INSURANCE CORP. LINCOLN ALPENA HARRISVILLE

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