The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.4, 16 December 1960, p. 5

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Page 5 .le:te1C1«~~~1€1t1P4<~1Cl« THE TIMBER CRUISER Decemb A. C. C. . t Lumberjacks Take To Road T odily Jacks Cop Season Opener Over Traverse City Lu ;i~ be dicks Annihilate Soo The Lumberjacks had uttle trouible getting off to a fast The Lumberjacks were fortu· start .against Soo Tech, wiith the IIl!aite indeed that Freid Hubeirt Captain F,red Hubert setting the decided to show up for the No· pace with four quick baskets. vemheir 19th opener with Tra· '.Dhe Lurnb~jaick,s had a four· Cagers have a busy Schedule to Meet Over the Holidays The !Jurnberjac.ks demon· s.trated Saturday night what 1:Jhey should have done to North- western Michigan JC as they noncholantly smothered Port Hu:ron JC 1031-71 h2fore the verse Ciity'·s Northewstern J. C. teen podnt lead before the So'O Hubert heiM the stubborn Toma- scored its fi!"St point on a free . <home town crowd. hiawk!s at baiy until Coach Dut- tihrow. The J ,acks exp,loited two of cher's veteran crew c01Ulld ram Coach Dutcher's favorite fu<nda· The Jacks weir'e never in trouc hOIIlle an -80-64 vfotocy. mentals in registering fuedT• 3rd Me as Hube'l"lt and Gary Gun· straight victory: shootmg and Te- Although the lead cihanged derson poun~d on the coal and bound1ng. Tihe defense did not hands ofitien durii!ll!g the ear4Y at the c-lose of the fcirst half 1fu.e sparkle simply becaruse Port and intermediaite portions of the Lumberjacks held an eleven Huron d&dn't ,hlave the ball too game, the QIU1Jcome was never poi.Il!t, 42 to 31 lead. often. Howeveir, one flaiw did reailly in dorubt. Co•aich Dutcher - Again ait the start od' 1fu.e sec· show on a CQiuple oif occasions; was aware of this faot as he sulb- 0nd half it was the Lumberjacks namely, a lack of inteTe-st in re- stitm.ted earliy •anld f['eel'Y. From- all the way. Using the fas.t break covering defensively. A sitrong, ldine reserves, Goupil, Moore, excellently, ,the Lumberjacks ac- running outfit could caipi•talize and Skiba we,re all used in the counted for a ,twenty.five po•int on this mistake. -"' t half t k th .... k lead by the ma.<ldle of the sec· ,urs · 0 eep · e ausac The fears of those who were f h Th 1 1 _,, K 11 ond half. The fa!;t break which rest . · e ear Y oss w ro · the Jacks t used ,s{h,owed many· afraid Dave Kroll had fo!l1gobten proved incornse(?uental. '!'he ob· 'to Tllay basketball weire com- ••. 1 · J ks hOl.lTS o-f ha-3."'d iptl"actice, which .., v,I0\.11$ Y supenor ac, ' were ev- pletely dispelled, as anyone fa· bl t , ,_,._ •-•= was well ,rewarded. en a e o empi:oy ,w1e uwueworn ma.liar with this "h.rv.,',s court n...... f b·nl h · .. .-: .. ,t-. t 11· 'Dhe final surge ,by the Lum- i.rv;y ""'• 0 ver = agmg w~..:ri e mg skills knew tfuev. wo'll1d be. Not eff t berjacks came in the la-sit seven eo · minutes of ,the ,game when the a great shooter, Kroll is never- None of this is to say that the team really got "-hot" from the the-less a very good ,scorer, ,as Jack's victory ,was Insignif!i.cant. floor and! ended rtlhe game with lhe demonstrated in the 1st ha1f. On the contrary, a relatively ea- a 36 point b'U'lge in :their favor. He rebounded both ends of the sy win with onJy a few men pro- The Lumberjacks made 47 per court effectively and assisted ducdin,g near cap,aci:ty (an un· , cent of thel ... shots f.r"= the floor teammates under the hoop in CHAFFIN SCORES - Jut,,<tna Community College for- = vu, · • heard of combination of events a."'"' ..,,._,_ teamed ""·th the fast fushion unusual for a bJJg map. j '"'"'"-.--,iasfylear5)~~lcs""we~roi~~F=-=-,=:W:~::~1Jfe:,re;T-C5h~af[f:in7.:24~~~o~~in=t~w~o=e~as::.~=in=~~in;::::t~h~e~~~,~u~U~W~~Wlffi~~m"in""~em:nflnrw_,.:He~~rurlcLJ:i:a:~~~ d f - la.sf year)) ~ks we or e a- an Ga:ney uJI,n_ ens(JIQ O'J'llµ - ---.;:: second half of the basketball game against Port Huron. 1-.- ·11 d btedl b th billiity of , ball c-Iub. Wuat Wl · un ou, · y ' e · e William Barr, 25, and another unidentified player, both league's finest backiboardi two- Guard Hubert has finalily ma· of Port Huron, rush in hopes of getting a rebound, Al- some. tw.-ed into a standout ~co1!lege pena WOH 103·71. - Alpena News Photo. Captain Fred Hubert shot ex- performer. He scored wiJth ev· S.AV E 2 C tremely well, hitting on an un- ery conceivable shot, he assdst· usual percentage of !his shots ed teammates brillfam,tly on OC· Men's Bowling Teams Are Close To Tie from bofill inside and out, be- casion (particuil,ar1Iy cm the in- sd,des playing a good floor game. frequent fast breafos ), and his Men's;g went through J. Thomas, C. Spi:gel~e, B. Per Gallon Ray Moore, the six1fu. man, is work on defense as. above re- ano1Jheir week of iaction and the Wriglht, A. Boilore and last, but ENJOY TEXACO showing immense ,improveme111t proach, save for two or three in- standings were sent into a tassel. ceritainly not least, is ,the team Quality-and Top Service with ea-cih contest. Still timid a- excua'ble lapses. Hubert's back of Tercy Thomas. bout >his shootm,g (which is ex- courl ma,t•e, Tom Miller'IS lack In first place is Richard Ed· The teams are ·in action every WO Ellf 'S cellent) Moore rebounded well of game eXPerdence showed oc· dy's team wtitJh 27 wins and 13 Wednesday ni•ght, with a break ft defensively ,anJd did the best job casionally, as did Forwaro Jere losses. Next comes the team of being taken fair the Christmas of the three guards in contain· ti SMILEAGE CENTER Chaffin's, but •both are fine ath· Gary Poch with 26 wins and; 14 vaca: on. 7 30 t M'd •t ing tlle &kipper's lit1lle gunner, . : a.m. 9 1 nil e (S 800 p &) letes and band workers who w1!ll ee , age losses. In thiro place •there is a gadn confidence wlith eaclh. game. tie between Marty . Shea's team BULLETIN PETOSKEY - Dec. 14 - Al~ pena Community College debat· ers defeat Petoskey 3-0. Freshman Dave Goupil and and Joe Van Duisen's, each hav· Ray Moore, the top reserves, inig 24 wins and 16 J-0sses. were unde·rstarndably jittery. Following ne~. tn ordoc, in Both are good shooters Wlho are the standings are the -teaans of in need of league experience and al1-round game improve- ment. Both will _ help the team immenseiy. I,t is irnpoes~ble to tell about ,the big men. Da,ve Kroll, who evea:yoine knows ls a fine re· bounde!I' · shooter, had one of -tho-se nights that ·1eaive bad,l players (and Coaches) sile-eples-s and mumbl!ing. A couple of close questionable caim.s eliminated Kroltl via the foul roru.te early in the second half. Garry Guinderson, acc'1arumed by some as the league's best bd,g man, . was se• fed and had to score on offensive rebounds, ti!P'" ins, and foul shots. Of this ,per<fwman.ce it is im· ,possible to sum up the Jacks. The things they do beslt {run and rebound) rtlhey dii-d , seldom a· gains.t Noc,tlhwestern, yet rthey won easily. This team will un· dOUJbted]y ,get toU1gher as the season wears on and showl.d wiri some ba11 games. Ned Bastow Alpena Dry Cleaners Exquisite Cleaning at Reasonable Prices Pickup and De)Jivery Service Coi:-, Ripley and Campbell Tel. EL 4-4829 Alpena, Mich . . Have Ready Cash Next Christmas Join the 1961 Christmas Club at The Peoples Slate Bank of Alpena 310 N. 2nd Ave. Phone EL 4.-2135 /

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