The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.4, 16 December 1960, p. 6

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Deeerr~er, 1960 Page 6 -------------------------------------------------- DE AN \ (Contin~ -1. from Page 1) ....,.. ,,~,.,....._..,.,.""§1iii'i.i.l.i":"f'ft!Y~·J,/tween ithe Ameri- can iconcept of ,democracy and the 'basic tdeas of organized Christianity. Both emphasize the importance and worth of the in- dividual, Yet both emo,hasize the duties of the individual. The good Christian, like the good citizen, must maintain the pro- per balance between rights and duties. The responsible indivi- dual cooperates and participates in the governmental structure. in this wor1d. The good Christ- ian in addition to being a good cit~en, will apply Christian eth- ics ,to his life in this world and strive for ultimate perfection in the next worLd. Is there cur•rently a feeling . among many of us that indivi- dual freedom and individual im- portanc•e means freedom to do anyitrun,g we wanrt to do. Perhaps we are too much concerned about MY rights and too little concerned about YOUR rights. What happens to individual fTee- <lom when two men ride in the same carriage and one smokes and one doesn't, and the non- smoker is disturbed by smoking? Who has :the greater right on a warm summer evening when Ap- artment A has a radio loudly playing rock' n' roll and Apart- ment B wants to 'listen to a sym- phony. Who has the greater right; the proud owner of a tran- sistor radio who wants to her a ball g,a;me or the individual who wants to read Aristotle, and the two illldividuals by force of circumstance are physicail1y in ~ .-.-~---=~' the ,sa,me area? · It seems- kl me tha:t we need S00 ((Continued from Page 5) Davey Blanclhaird. Blanclhard, repurtedl,y an out- standing shooter, shot wiith all the poise and aplomb of a man bailing out the Los Angeles Col- useum with a teaspoon. More impressive was Bill Bar (kid brother of Terry Barr, former MJCC scorin,g champ) who showed a soft touc!h ,and, ltke Blanchaird, a wiUingn€Ss to shoot. The Port Huron team on the whoile appeared green (due of course to a preponderance of freshmen), weak defensively, too short, and too :rancy in the shooting depiarunent. (The num- ber of scoop shots, running, wrong-footed one-handerr"S, etc., thrown at <the hoop would !have put E1gin Baylor to slhame) . The Jacks are cominig along just aibout on schedu1e. Garry GundelJ."SOn scored at a !)oint a minute rate 1and indicated' that 1t wHl fake a very bi,g, strong, and agi.le man to contain him. The guards d,td a much better job of feeding -the bilg men than last time in addition to ca.rry- in:g their sih!are of the scoring load. The pattern is now set for the season. kCC will he repre- sented b,y a team 'Wihtch is strong on the boards and ~ a team of good scorers, any one od' four or five boys caipa.b}e of the big n1ght. The tealffi is sound unspectacula,r defonsiively, but this shouldn't be too important. The big test is, of course, yet to come. The ball games this week end with Battle Creek and Mus- kegon (beaten by Traverse City) will do mu:c!h to -p;rove the true value of this team. to consider a,gia,in it!hat individu~l fireedom can ooly be insm•ed by - -Ned Bastow atteptance of rules established by freely chosen representatives 1a1nd established for the greatest protection of ind1vidua1l rights for the greatest number. Rules and regulations insure basic in- divtdual freedom. I am trying to suggest that, at this time of the year especially, we shou,1d moce fuHy awreciaite .the great gift we have received :flrom God, relate this to our own ,t'hinkip,g in OUir day to day re- lationships wit.ri others, !:)UJt our ·ideas of our own freedom in J)II'oper perspective, resolve to work within .the structure or fil:amework of our organized group to tihe end tlhat each indi- vidual will be able to develop his highesit ;port:ential, and we will . emne somewhat clooer to the'eal and e~aimple of Christ's llie when he went about doing giood. Stanley E. Vian Lare iTEA (Continued from Page 1) 'tee is Mariette Himes and Bev- erly Des Champs wlho send out formal dJnJviiitati.ons to every stu- dent, faculty member and school administrator. The R-etfreshmerut Committee is Joan Lutes ,a;nd Pat Miay. They ' ll!r'ran1ge for the delicious cookies · w:iith tea or coffee :for the enjoy- ment of all. Th•e Decorations Commirotee is , Tom Krebg a,n,d Roger Bauer, . They will decorate ,the lounge in . the Christmas Sil)liriit. They would , like to have help on Satocday, ,the 17th. 1 -Gail Am(lll'e , I -------------- I /f •llfVk-~, ~o:~ f, lo i "' ~ FINEST GIFT., . DIAMOND RINGS Precious beauty, outstand- ing styling and permanent ralue - all of this with in A rtcarved diamond ring! '.t is truly the most fabu- Io~s gift, the wisest choice. Budget terms available! CANTERBURY SET Engagement Ring ......... $110.00 Bride's Circlet ................ $ 10.00 P(ices inCI. Fed. Tax. Rings enlarged to show detail. I RENE'S JEWELRY 209 N. Second Ave. Alpena, Michigan Autl,orized Artcarved Jeweler CAGERS ((Continued from Page 5) give fillem their second victory of the yea,r 85 to 49. Lt was ,also by ,fille fine control of both o,ff-ensiive and deifensive backbo,airds by Gunderson, nave Kroll and Jere Charffin, rthat the LUJill)berjacks were nev•e,r pres- sUired by Tech. H1gh scorer for the Lumber- j a,cks was F,red Hubert with twenty-four points. Next came Gunderson with twenrty-one, Tom Miller wi1:Jh seventeen, and Kroll with eleven. Immed~aitely foJ.loiWin,g the Muskegon, Battie Creek trip, the Jacks will jornrney back up to the Soo, and, c-0\tnpete in Soo Tech's Cihrisitmas, Tournament, held Dec. 19 and 20. Along with Alpena and Soo TeCih, will be Traverse City, Northwood Institute from Allllla, and Goegihic, a sm,al!l Junior c,ollege from the Upper Penin- sula. After a short layoiff foc Christ- mas, <the team wil!l swing back into action Dec. 30, wilth a game against the W,fil'tsmith Ai,r For- ce Blase squad. This contest, held a:t Wurtsmliith, should proive tO' be a real challenge as Wurtsaniith is growin,g larger day b!Y dllN, and shO'uld be represented! by a strong outfiit. Wi,t'h the ,oorninJg of the New Year there will be no rest for S-t-r-·e--t-c-h Pants \. .. ;;ag. ~ - Stretch and new X-tra Stretch ski pants for men give the sleekest look ever. These pants feature a pleatless narrow leg, and are made of the finest stretch fabrics available. $32.95 Tony & Norm 105 N. Second Ave TelePhone EL 6-1077 Alpena, Mich. tihe Alipena c,ageirs. The first w ' Bowl ·,·ng weekend od' 1961 will see Duitch- 8ffl8ft S er's crew ,back on the road. They will hit Port Huron J an:111airy 6; and move into Flltrnt Jan. 7. At this tliJme Flint is ~eading .the Coniference w:ith a 4-0 recol'd, 1and the Jack's ,squad rwould love to knock therm off on their 'hOIJlle cooirt. On Jan. 13, the Ja,c,ks will re- turn home again against Jackson · afteir ,seven games on the II"O'ad. The success of the Lumberjac'ks this season, wilrl ~ar.geey be mea- sured py •their ability to 'Win on tJhe road. Therefore the impor- tance of these away games can- not be minimized. A woman out our way return- ed home one evening and asked the maid if she had cleaned out the re:firi!geratoir as she haid been to1d. "Yes, ma'am," said the girl. "And everythin,g was delicious." Now enteiring the fast half of tJhe bow1ing season, the six teams are eyeing their chances in the finail standings. The Taps composed of Joyce Gi1berson, Car·ol Lon,gcore, and Jarui.ce Wieschowskrl., still hold fi[-stplace w:iith a 12 to 4 ,record. This team lhas also shown the greatest improvement since the league started eight weeks ago. Eleanor Kurtz maintains the high series at 293. Since the last TIMBER CRUISER issue, Elea- nor has passed 1hlle hi1gh game honor on to Gail Amore for her 168 game. Clara Jackson copped it from Gail last week by irolling 178. Mtiss ·worniak, our co,ach, has expressed a desire for a 'lllixed meet in the neair future with the men's league. The gift that goes on giving mile after comf ortahle mile! $11.95 to $13.95 John C. Roberts good-looking, well-built shoes will please him on sight ... and please him more each happy hour he enjoys their lightweight "flexibility", their cushioned construction, their beautiful, soft, foot hugging leathers. iJ oo Mischley's Shoes Downtown at 119 N. 2nd A,ve Telephone EL 4-8555 Alpena, Mich. Harry's COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE AUTOMATIC FILL SERViICE FOR FUEL OILS We Watch Your Supply Tankis and Keep The~ Filled Leonard Gasoline ..:_ D. X. Motor Oils Fuel Oils - Kerosene - Di~sel FOR PROMPT DELIVERY . SERVICE, CALL ELmwood 6-0760 , ELmwood 4-2844 or write Harry's Oil Co • South Sh,ore :Road Ah>ena;, · Mi~hiigan

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