The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.5, 18 January 1961, p. 1

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Published By The Journalism Class of Alpena Community College Founded in 1952 VOLUME THREE, NUMBER FIVE JANUARY 18, 1961 TEN CENTS PEiR COPY A. C. C. Student Activity Fund Explained DEAN'S COLOM N This is about :rihytJhm. Recent- ly I read an article in the Satur- day Evening Post about nature's built-in cllocks - it seems that potatoes have good r<hytlllm - that reminded me of a lecture I used to give many years ago a- bout rhythm. Let me hasten to mention that the rhythm I am di~cussing has nothing to do Wliith .rock '.n' roll. It rather . has to do wi,tll a way of life. It may well be true that liv- Dean ing can be much Van Lare healthler and moce effective. if our hab;i.ts are 'l'hyt,hmic, eat, sleeio, e~erdse, STUDY, narp, and rei1ax, accord- ing to a self established · pattern. stick t9 fil!ds pattern, 'I)he rhy- thm ·is mo·re imvoritant Ulan the emphasis. For example ' seven hour l~e;p eve_ry n·ght. iS better than four one night and twelve the next. Five hours of study is every :day is better than eight and four. Rhythm during the age of most college young men and women (17-23) is important. (See DEAN, Page 4) BULLETIN The College library will be open only Thursday evening from 7 p.m. until 9:3,0 p.m. It will then be closed even· ings for the remainder of this semester. KAREN BENGHAUSER JOANNE STANDEN Is seems, a good idea to convey to the student body in- formation regarding the natu:r:e, fu;nction, and operation of t he College Student Activity Fund. The College Student Activity Fund derives its income from three main sources : ACC Debate Squad Meets North Central Michigan Today The Debate Squad of A1pena Commun,ity CoHege will host North Central Micih.igan Col- }ege's sQuad from Petoskey Wed- nesday, January 18, here at the coillege. ~ CoHege debat~d ~ month and they are now returning to meet A. C. C.'s squ-ad on a home and home basis. This is the fil'St year that A C. C. has played host to N. C. M.C. Professor DeLysle Henry, de- bate coach, sincerelly urges stu- dents and friends to attend the debates in order to boh,ter the spirit of th squad. For those (1) The student aotivwty fee (2) The a:nnual Fund Drive, no•w bcing conducted- (3) Income firom college acti· vi1tJ1es, su1Ch as a,tJhJ.etic conte>sits and general auxilliary ent€'J:1l)ris· es oi the colllege. The S·tudent Activity F1und maintains a-H of tlhose ac- 1tiV'irtlies of the cOlllege not in the budget of the Bo-aird of Educa• tdon. It iS t!brough this account :tlhait non--academ.ic student activ- ities of the coHe,ge are conduct- ed. su.clh as a,thleitics, club\S and oogan,iz1aitions, deiba.te, music, ra- dio and drama, sn-ack bar, book store, student aid, Situdent Coun- cil, social affadir,s, and the TIM- BER0CRUISER "'N<'N·'!t. .,.,-q-~,t · _....,..~_..- wishin to a,ttend. the debates .t:I., 1. '+' V .c:1.L CHR/STM7t TE'A. WBLi!; wiLI be held at 3:00 o.m. and at Ahl c1lubs and organizations must maintain their ·accounts in the Co1lege S1Judent Activity Fund. No a.pp'l"oved college or- ganizalion may m-a,intain its own bank acccvut1t, and no clwb or or· gJarui-zation o!I." any oth& group in !:1-c- eal!le,g,, ,: is. ,n.e~ te<l. to . hold ,. tts own funds or pay iis biflls in cash. AH receiiots must be tu:rn· ed in at the office and expendi- tu'l'es of ,the ol'ganizations ma-de by check from the Fund. This P'!"OCedure assua:-es a record of all funds reccived and · disbursed. ATTENDED BY S.TUDENTS, ·GUESTS 4:S'O p.m. at the cohlege and at 8:00 p.m. debates will be held A]Jpena Communi.ity College held their annual Christmas Tea iirom 2 to 4 in the college lounge December _18, 1960. Joanne Stan- den ('l'ight) is bcing served tea by Karen Benghauser (left), both A. C. C. sophomores. 'Ilhe tea was soon.sored by the coUege social affairs commi,ttee and tt served students, faculty, board members, alumni and theia:' wives. Pat May, general chah'man, was assisted by Mar· ieitte Himes, Beverly Des Champs, Roger Bauer, Tom Krebs, Carol Werth, and Joan Lutes. On tlhe serving committee were Eleanor Thompson, Jona· lee Kowa1lski, Carol Werth, CM"· ol Hagadorn~Sturgis, and Karen Benghiruiser. Faculty ad- V!isors and Mrs. Floca Stenzel and Mrs. Jule Hartwick. in tlhe Little_ Theater at A. H. S. The debate topic for this year is, Resolved, "That the United States should adopt a plan of compulsOl"y healtill insurance for aU citizens." Judgting the debates will be Mr. Carl ~een of the English department at A. C. C . and Pro· fessM Nelsoill of the Speeoh De- partment, N. C. M. C. Vtgorously representing A. C. Olubs have their ci-wn account in the Fund, and this separate account is maintained on the books as a revo1'Vdn•g fund. For example, the Radio Drama Club has an account in the activity fund. Its recejip,ts a;re credited to tlhe Rad:io Drama account, and its expendiitu!l."es are charged to --------- -- ·- ---- ----------------- C. on the squad will be: First Affirmative - Ohuck A-nderson ,and Denndis Snyder; Second Af- firmative - Jack McLarty and KeUJh Wa:1lace; First Negative - Doug Mly,n and Gib- son; Second Negative - Eileen Chrzan and Theresa Doajkow- ski; Thiird Negative - Barb McVicar · and Sylvia Senick. Dave Aikens is alternate for the Fill"st Negative team. (See ACTIVITY, Page 4) BESSER COMPANY PLANT AT ALPENA, MICHIGAN BESSER COMP ANY OUTLINES NEEDS FOR SPECIAL TRAINING AT COLLEGE Im fur.theraI11Ce of .the policy orf tJhe A•lpena Communiity College ' to f\lllfilll the needs of the com- munli.ty, the TIMBER CRUISER ~ begun a series of interviews with the indmtl'lies of this cLty. The Besser Company, whi'ch is the oldest manufacturer of . con- cirete masonry macihinecy in the world, ·has made a grea't indus- trial co-ntrivution to Alpena and Michigan d1uring the oast · half- century. W1till f1acitories a,U over the fa:-ee wodd, the. Besser Company provides scdeintlisbs and skilled knowhow men for the advance- ment of Coocr-ete Masonry Pro- gress. He:re in Michigan's far North Country, nich in natura-1 resources viltally ,needed by the >building industry, the Besser Company had its modest begin- ning, and has grown during the last half century into its unique ,position of being the for~most sdentific laboratory for the ad· vancemenit of coocre.te masonry. Mr. Geiriaid A. Kirueger, speak· (See BESSER, Page 4) Dr. O'Dell Discusses Socialized Medicine Today at A. C. C. Dr. Frederick C. O'Dell, Jr. , of the Alpen,a Geineral Hospital Stafcf will dd.scoos soc· ialized medicine with the Politi- cal Scd.ence classes toda~. Dr. O'Dell is well qualified to d!i:scuiss this conitroversial mat· te.r, havin'g s,pent seveiral _yea-rs i,n London, Eng1and, worlcing unde,r the government sUipervi- sed metJhods oif coilltrolled medi- c-al activity. The squad is able ,tO" boast of a proud record oif 8 wins and 2 losses. Radio Drama Club Plans New Play Tihe Radd'o Drama Club has swU1ng biack into ac,tion. The project now at hand is the three Second Half Classes acit play whdch wi11 be P'!"esented on tlhe 9th, loth, and UtJh of To Begin Thursday March. The name of the -P'laY is i;. __ ,.:, "The Mo:use 'Dl.'ia4>." . Februa1'y ..icJ.L Casting of t'he ofay will be Allpe,na Commu,n:ity COlllege . held in the near futuire. Anyone lbegiins iits second semester Jan- who is · interested · in helping uary Sil, 1961 wlilth registrotion witll the .P'lay is ilnvlited and en- of freshmen. Soplhom.or~ . : will COUTaged to do so. The meeting !l."eg\ister February 1. Classes be- · · dates li.!l."e posted on 'the bulletin •gin 8:00 a.m. Thursdlay, Febru· btiar,d before each meeting. ary ~- · · •· Pat M·ay, pres. · Herbert Fox Addresses N.E.A. Mir. Her1bert Fox, Administra- tive Assistant for Elementary Alipen-a S-ctho•ols was guest spea· ker art: a meetiinig of A. C. C.'s Student Na~ional Education As· sociation l!ast -week. Di'Scuooing the gra-de school system within the cirty, Mr. Fox O'Ultli,ned an expeir:imenta•l pro- ,gram con1Cernmig ability grouip- mg in ,t!he ,lower grades now be· i:ng tried in some Alpena schools At a pireV!i.ous meeting, of- fii.ce:rs were elected and plans for the year outlined. Office'l"s in- clude Voss, President; Klaren Benig.hauser, Vice Presi- dent; Ed Nagy, Treasurer; Pat May, Sem-etacy; MaI~gie Makow· ski,' Historian; and In~d M· •Strom, Student Cooncil Repre- . sentative. Ediucaiti.on majors who have noit pre\liiously aitrt•ended meet· ings aa:-e invdited to jOlin. Meeting dates are posted on rtihe, boo'l"Ci:

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