The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.5, 18 January 1961, p. 2

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Page Two TH~ TIMBER-cRUISE'R January, 1961 ' _____________________________ ...., ______________________________ _ . . ! . ., I 11, I • 'l'IIE TIMBER CRUISER Official Newspaper of 'lbe Journalism Class of · 1 Alpena Community College ' · · Published Mcr1thly-Septemb~ through June at 666 Johnson Street Alpena, Michipa · Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Robert E. OUver News Editors ...•. , •. ; .;) .... ; ..... . Roger Bauer, Woody Derrohn Feature. Editors : ..... , ....•.•.••.. -: .•. Ingrid-Alstrom. Marian Prieur Society Editors ... . ...•. :, . i . . ; . · Gail Amore,- Janice Wieschowski . Sports Editors . : Tom Miller, Doug Siegert, Edward Nagy Copy Editor ..... . . , ..... . .. . . , .. . ... . .. . ; ... Donna Prokopowicz .Pbotog-rapher .. • ,. ••.. . .. .. ... · . .. ,. ........ · ..... · ...... Edward Nagy Cartoo:rµst ... . .. . .... , .... · .. .... .• .• · • ..... . •.....• • ... Carol W~rdl. Advertising ....... .. ......................... Richard Campl,>ell Circulation Manager ...................... . ...... William Davis Faculty Moderator-M. D. Orr Suggestions Save on Dry · Cleaning The ·ohrllstmas Holidays hav- dng' come to an end, many of us · have been left whth soiled cloth· es to. wear. I would like to give Y:OU a few pod,nters that might in· terest you from the Homemak· ers' Department of Information ait Mie<hlgan State Undiversi.ty. Gail's Gab Christmas vacation is over and evecyooe is back to the "old gi,inid again · aind madly study ing for ' exams'. Most evecyone will agree that a weH balanced diet · and a good ~it's rest wili help · stwdents' · aibdllli<ty to think dearly and stu,cey haxdoc.· Waiter sphl:ls sometimes make I have a message here aspec- w<>ts on clothing, Bunetta Ta· ially d:N-ected to the co-eds hiah~a, clothing SPeCfllist a,t the which may be heil'!)fui in their Michigan State Undvex-sity says kditc'hens now or in later life. H some water spots can be remov- i!s from the HomemakeTS' News ed by first alilowing the water to · of the Michigan state · Univer· dry, then .rubbin,g it lightly with sity's OeJ>artnient of Infonna- another pal'II; of the same fabric. ti.on Services.· Wire hat rncks on the closet Anii.ta Dean. foods and nutri· door 'J)ll'Ovide good st.or:age - if · · . . the haits are moved ar-ound oc- tfon ~i.alist at Michigan State Universiity, says processing meat casionally. The clothing special· ilS speeded by Placin,g packages ist suggests t'his be done to avoid against the t1reezer sidewalls or ridges ·from the wire in the felts on metal freezing p'laltes. Some or hat bands. • . , space shou/ld 1be left between · Take .those coats and sW:ts oft ,pac'ka,ges 50 . air can circuLate · wia:'e han,gm when they come :firom the dey cleaners: Home ec- rreel,y . . , ~.;;;;...;s.,:-:.s._llll,, ~11Jti 4',Iic-l#IWl--'-State· Uni~~ It iS "oe&t lb procass only a few'"" .·. V!cl"sity . sugg~t . co~t and sum packages at a time. O~riloading be pwt on S'hOUJlder·sihaped wood• · · the unit with unfrozen foods , e,P hallige!I"S wihrie1h w,ii]il .:ffipporl slows down the rate of f:reem11g · tile weight and hO'ld tqe shape, of sometimes to the Point tha,t food these ~ents. · . . loses quaMty or S!)O!Lls. To keep These 'hints may be helpful to food a,t its best, packag~ s:hou1ld YQU in keeping your clothes in be -Linnited to the amount that the . best oossilblle condition. will t1reeze solid witmn 24 hours Janice Wieschowski Ml'.s. Dean says tJh:is is aibowt two ito three pounds of food for eaclh NOTICE Friday, Januru,:y' 27th, sleigh ride. -See Sihaa:iron Gihson or Linda Pamilla. . NEW RENTAL - PURCHASE PLAN RENT A TYPEWRITER FOR ONLY $6.00 per mo; 3 months· rental can be applied toward purchase. GOHLKE TYPEWRITER SERVICE 430 N. 2nd Ave. Alpena Phone EL 4•5489 , cubic foot of f.reezeir capacdty. , I ' As a last rrrinute · waming to aJlll c,amprus-wialkerts, exams count , sometimes as much as tlhree- foUJrith of the final gir:ade, so ge,t ·plenty of rel.Sit, and, Good Luck! 1.V.C.F. Plans Future E ents 'Dhe Illlter-Va,r · y Christian FeLlowshiitp g,rou has changed the dates and ho s of its meet· ings, They a['e held every first and thir> ,rsday even· ings of the ·oit 7:45 p ,m. AJ- thoug1h the ·, be no more meellings untiil ·afiter itlhe "recup· eraitJin,g days" following the ex· ams, a noti'Ce wilil. be posted on the bwllettl.nig board ~g<ail"diing the mme and place of future meetings. Everyone is ~lcome to come. The guest SIJ)eakeir at the last meertiiing was Bob Hastie, · a sen· ior frOlll} Miclhigan Staite Univeir• sity who gave us an outline as to the manner in which Michi,gan State's Inter-Varsity group con- ducts i:ts m€etings. After · his talk, refreshmenl:$ were served. For futw-e events a toboggan party is sla,ted :for January 25 at Rogers City.-Linda Courtney ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE TENTATIVE SECOND SEMESTER SCHEDULE February 2, 1960 NO. Dl!!PT. & COURSE CR. HRS. INSTRUCTOR TIME ART 210 Design iD Materials 3 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 206 Accounting 3 104 Accounting 3 202 Economics 3 204 Business Law 3' 208 Merehandising EDUCATION S'25F Education 3 325E Education 3 206 Public School Music . 3 ENGLISH 101 English @ English . 103 104 202 206 @ S~eclt Speech . EngliS'h Literature .Humanities Jow:-naililsm ENGINEERING 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 102 Engineering Drawing SI 106 . Macihine Shop 3 104 · Architectural Drawing 3 204 . , PYllam.\CS 3 . 203 . . Meehan~ 3 IN~:JAlPTECHNICAL . TEijMlNAL 104 ·•· T~chnical Draftin,g 2 108 El~elllts of Electricity 4 10 Element of Macll1ne Shop 3 202 Electronics 3 LANGUAGES 102 German 4 104 French 4 204 French 4 202 German 4 MATHEMATICS 13 Initermedliate Alge·bTa 2 100 Basic Mathematics 3 104 Plane & Solid· ,Analytic Geometry 4 103 CoUe,ge Algebra 4 202 Caicrulrus 5 102 Plane Trigonometry S' ~06 Sliide Rule 1 MUSIC 102 Piano 1 104 Voice . 1 •, 112 Co11legiiate Singers 1 cr/'Yr 202 Piano 1 204 Voice 1 106 Musi'C Theory 3 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 100 Physical Ed~'Ca:tion ½ 202 Community Recll"eation SJ 205 Archery and Badminton 1 204 Vo1leyooll and ,Basketball 1 104 Personal and Community Hea~h 3 200 Elementary Modern Dance ½ 208 Physical Ed Student Teacllm,g 1 er/yr 106 Ryhthm Foundations ½ GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 200 Psychology · SJ Feindt · 4 ff Underwood 4-:6 Underwood 1·3 Underwood 10 Underwood 8 "' MacCuHough 2 MacCUlloogh 1 Fast 3 9 Keen 8 (§rr) ® Orr Keen Keen Keen (Seminar) Keen LO!wry Lowry LOW\l'IY . Lowry @) Ryan Ilsley Ryan Herner Herner Ryan Olness Ilsley Olness Glennie Glennie Glennie Glennie Ryan Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Homeister Ryan Fast , Fast Fast Fast Fast Howard Krumdick Krumclick Krumdick Krumdick Krumdick 1 2 3 2 7 7·8:SO 11 3·5 3 8 ~ 8-10 5-8 (Lab) 5-7 (Lee) 4-7 (Lab) 12·2 8 p.m. 7 p.m: 8·10 3·4 4-5 31'5 7-10 4-7 7·9 9 10 3 8 7-10 9 10 2 11 3 4 10 1 7:30-9:30 7:30-9:30 1 2 2 2 Howard 8 Loornk! 11 Tupper 3 3 DAYS 1 ROOM I( 107AHS w 107AHS TTh 101 TTh 101 MWF 101 MWF 101 'IThF 107 TThF 106 TThF 104AHS MTTh 108 MWF 108 MWF 108 MWF 108 TThF 108 MWF 108 MW 108 Th 302AHS MT night 302AHS TThF 107 T 107 Th 107 MWF 104 MW 107 'ITh 108 TThF 110 M l05AHS T 105AHS Th 105AHS MWF 110 MT'lb 204AHS MTTh 204AHS MW 110 M (Lee) 113AHS TTh (Lee) 113AHS W (Lab) llSIAHS Th 105AHS w 105AHS MTh night . 113AHS MTWTh 105 MTWTh 105 MTThF 104 MTWTh 105 T 206AHS MWTh 106 MTThF 107 MTThF 104 · MTWThF 104 MW 106 Th 106 T 106 (arrange with instructor) (a;rra111ge with instlrucfor) T11h 114AHS (arran1ge wirth instructor) (arrange with instructor) W ntgiht AHS Gym W night AHS Gym MWF 105 TTh AHS Gym (arrange with instlruoto:r) MWF TTh 105 AHS Gym (arrange with instlructo:r) TTh White ~m MWF TTh F 101 108 101 · (See Page Four)

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