The Timber Cruiser Vol.3, No.5, 18 January 1961, p. 3

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January1 1961 THE TIMBER-ORUISER Page Three Lumberjacks Edge Past · Jackson Five By 3 GARRY GUNDERSON SETS NEW SCHOOL, CONFERENCE RECORD (}atty Gunde!rson wrote his name into the record books by scoring 48 oomts ait Muskegon. Blig Huck hlt on 20 field goals in 23 attempit:s and added on 8 cliari'@ tosses to give mm his Fred Gagnon Gary Poch Mike Lund MEN'S BOWLING ENDS TIED The men's bowling team end· ed the semester wiitlh a three way tie for first ·Dliace between ,the fctlJowing teams: No. 2, con· si.sting of Bill W,ri,ght, Rogerr Wi· karyasz and Terey MacNeil; No. 7, consisti-ng of Maron Shea, Gar:ry Gunde-!.'son, and Boh Jolmson; No. 8, consisting of Joe Van Dus·en, Tom, .and Cash Ttry,ban. This tie whl'l be ,played, off next week to de· the semester champs. The thr•ee tarp bowlers of the season werre Joe Van Dusen with an average of 162, Bob Johnson with 157 a,nd Richard Eddy with a 156. Tom Liske won ,the oriz~s of· fared by the bowliing tanes. reoord,breakin,g t<>itaJ. Most of his points were scored from cilose in under ,the basket and a g['eait deal of the ocedi.t mu.s,t be given to Dave Kroll who set him u.p time after time. Chuck Anderson Ken.Hilla Roger Bauer Pharrn2\c,· Lloyd Pickett, B.S. EL 6-1635 Alpena, Michigan · · With their most. impressive defensive display of the CAGERS BRING ROME T:rn.E year, the A.C.C. Lumberjacks .edged by Jackson J~C; Satur- day night, 70 to 67. 'The higih-scoring Jack offensive was im- The A. C. C. Cagers brought peeled by the · hustling Jackson defense, and the resultant home t!heilr first Christmas 1-our•. score was well below the Jack's 90-point offensive average. nament Ohampi.oosbi,p. . The victory boosted Alpena's conference record to 4 ·winis, 2 Tom Miller and Ganey Gund&- losses, and their overall mark for the year to 8 wiJiis, 2 losses. son pumped in. 26 . and 25 poiilllts respecibively as ACC won . _____ _________ Tihis was truly ;a team viclOll"y with none of the Jack's suffering over Ncmt!hwood Insti.tiute, Alina. ' a bad nd,ght. Clhaffli.n, MH!er, and In the semi·finail round Alpe- Jacks Sp' Iii Hu:bert were a!ll over the court, na elintlnated Tuave«"Se Oity by . baill hawki1ng, applying consuint a score of 85 to 65. ~ it was p.ressure on ,the vislitocs. · Mill&, Garcy Gunderson leading the Road Trip pairtiic'l.lJ1a:r,l,y was 're!lentless ~ way as he pumped in 22 points. purrsui,t and proved once aga:i!n 'lll!NK AJH~ !M J.ONC; IFi\r\f *young ~an's mood It's time for the natural change to the Long Lean Look! YMM Slacks take away the pleats and put a taper in the !eg! Exclusive Perrnahoid .. Waist Inserts prevent rolling at the top! In magnificent wools and wool blends. In muted shades and spirited ton a I effects! '(l.•~Pat. Pend. "T.M, Reg. 1' , .. ,,.-' $11.95 up Tony & Norm 105 N. Second Ave . Telephone EL 6-1077 Alpena, Michigan 1lha.t he is the best-conditioned The A. C. C. pu,Ued up ' athlete on the squad_ as he· play~ even afit«' ,th(!dr last road trip ed the imitire forty minutes with- to P9rt Huron a,nd Fwit. On fille :flixst mghft they downed Poirt. 'J{uron by a score of 98 to 85, but ; on the fohlowiin,g niight they were completely ove1'1Whe1med by a strong Flint outfit, and suffered a 110 to 64 defeat. out losing that fine edge ,that is so vital in close balil. games. But in exp~mrning t:he reason .for vtlctory instead of defeat one must point to ithe two biig men, Gunderrs0n and Kroll. They scored twe~ve pomts · between The vrotory over Port Huron them m. the first half and ap- proved to . be a costily one, as · peared timid on the offensive Fred Hubert, ca'Ptain and guard board. They doubled this output of the Jacks was ou,t out o;f ac• lin the second ha1f in addition to tion OO["ly in the ·first half with prutitin,g on a trrtrly remarkable a severe ankle sPll"alll, As a re- · dis,pJ.ay of rebowndirig aibility. suillt of the inj,uxy, he not only They showed a special enthus· ,missed the remainder of the iasni for ·the defensive board and Port Huron game, ·· but also was · defense in geneiva1l, a:111h.o,ugh the forced to -sit out . the all-impor· over ea.ger Kiro!IJ. can be oceas- ' tant F\lint contest. · ·Sionally drdven. These two also ~ontXlilbuted four foJUil shots in A balanced scoring attack was the dying moments when a coi(J the key to the Poot Huron _vie· tocy, as the Jacks put five men . h.and or- stiff elbow wouJ.d havei meant defeiat in$lea:d of victoey-. in double figures. Garry Gun· · derson was ,hi, w.Lth 21 f"llow· .' . lit . is ,true that ~a~~------....... ""!-'·l eel by Dave Goupil and Dave ly. This was due in pa.rt to the· KToll with 16, and Tom MiLler 80;80 , shooting m,ght and in parrt and Ray Moore wi,iJh 12 each. . · to the fact that Coaclh Dwtcher's; The next night proved to · be simple buJt effective patterns. an entirely dilflferenit story as the weren't run111,in,g consisten,tly or Lumberjacks ran U!P agamst the well. More ittnpartant, however, League leading · Fliint squad. is the revelation thiat the Jacks Flirut was superior in ali aspects coo. p,lay defense wlhen the cdlr'- of the game as they rolled up c'l!Jnwtances dictate. This cOUlld thek 110 points. '.Dqis 1fiigure be im!Portant in the remaindN' otf tied Alpena for the most points the season. scored in a game this season. The Jacks a1re not out orf the Alpena hit 110 against Muske· · conference . race, a:lithough their gon ear1ie.r in the season. Garry position is not enviabil-e. A loss Gunderson was high man for the at home would be an almost :ffa· Jacks wi'th 23 points. ta,l blow. Garry Gunderson, Jack's Center Makes Vain Attempt For Rebound

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